a prayer for peace


Father God,

You carefully crafted our world and it was good,

But as time goes on, your people stray further and further away from your goodness.

Division, strife, pain, and war have ravished your precious lands, 

Injustice has no borders,

Negativity and anxiety cloud our minds and hearts, 

And we no longer love and protect our neighbors like you intended. 

But during these troubling and chaotic times,

We know that you are always there. 

You are the calm after the storm, 

You are the crutch when we are wounded and broken, 

You are the light when we only see and feel darkness.

Help us remember that if we just listen and fully trust in You, Almighty Father, 

We will be able to find the peace that has always been there inside of us. 

You are always there when we need it, 

Even when we don’t deserve it, 

Even when we don’t acknowledge your merciful presence,  

You never leave our side, 

And for that I thank You.

You are stronger than any obstacle that might come our way, 

So today I leave all of my burdens, whether big or small, with you, 

Because they are much safer in Your merciful hands.

Thank you God for being our peace and purpose. 



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