setting intentions and claiming greatness

Whenever back to school season comes around, I take time to reflect on what the year will potentially bring and how I can be the most successful. I write down lofty goals, buy an overpriced planner that I often forget to use, and begin to organize my life step-by-step. Although these methods arguably work for some, I believe that the most important steps to having a prosperous year and smooth transition into any new period in one’s life is embracing intentionality. Intentionality, the fact of being deliberate or purposive, if done right becomes a lifestyle. It is a perspective that allows one to approach every situation with a sense of direction and focus. 

We’re also often shedding old parts of us from past experiences and chapters of our life as we usher in a new one. This requires a unique sense of intentionality as we heal, process, and evolve into better versions of ourselves. It requires the discipline and agency to intentionally and unapologetically let things and people go that no longer serve us or are weighing us down, and thus it requires intentionally seeking out sources of light and love that help to push us closer towards our goals and dreams. It requires orienting yourself so that your needs, your feelings, and your goals are at the center of all you do. It requires saying no sometimes, and saying yes to whatever opportunities excite you no matter what others might think or say about it- simply because it is what is best for YOU. That is what matters most. Personally, this new school year means working to shed and suspend self-doubt, ending some friendships, and focusing on being adaptable during such an ever-changing and challenging time.

Like all things, an intentional lifestyle is not easy nor linear, so it will take time and it might not always feel intuitive. This is because from a young age, many of us (including myself), do not put ourselves and our needs at the center. Instead, we look to cater to and impress others rather than being intentional about prioritizing ourselves. It might feel like you’re going against the grain if others around you seem to not be living a lifestyle similar to you. Everyone is on their own journey at their own time and pace, so no matter what others around you are doing, always choose intentionality first and without hesitation because ultimately it will propel you forward. 

Reflection Questions:

  • What does the best version of yourself look like? What things and people contribute to that version of yourself? 

  • In what moments do you feel most intentional? How can you work to foster and nurture that intentionality in your everyday life? 


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