a prayer for love

Father God, 

Love is all around us, 

Within us, 

Working through us. 

If we only take a second to listen, appreciate, and feel the pulses of my heart,

We will become in tune with the powerful and precious feeling of love in our lives. 

You are the source of all of this love, Heavenly Father. 

Thank you for the love that you have sprinkled throughout my life. 

Thank you for the love that has come,

And thank you for the love that has gone, for even if I don’t understand it, it is according to your Divine plan. 

Thank you for leading me away from those that are not filled with love and light. 

Thank you for loving me even when I do not appreciate your abundant love. 

Thank you for showing me love even when I do not show it to myself or others in the way that they deserve. 

Although I will never experience a love as infinite and indescribable as the love you have for me, 

May I create and sustain a profound self-love,

May I build others up with love as high as the tallest mountain,

May I stumble upon a genuine love that is right for me, 

May I strive towards relationships that come as close as humanly possible to the reciprocal, beautiful, and genuine you show me each day. 



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