Black History Month x Black and Bloom

Tomorrow is the first day of Black History Month! For me, Black History Month is a time of reflection, learning, and community-building. It is a time to explicitly thank the trailblazers and tideshifters that fought selflessly to create a better life for our People, and it also a time to consider the role that we want to play in the course of our history. This blog is giving me a purposeful and positive outlet to do all of these things.

In order to celebrate one of my favorite months of the year, I will be posting every Sunday throughout the month of February. These posts hope to pay homage to the past, present, and future of Black people. Each post was crafted with genuine love, celebration, gratitude, and pride; and I also hope to incite those feelings within you. So throughout these 28 days, and rather every day of our lives, let us unapologetically bask in the inexplicable feeling of Blackness. 

Check back each Sunday for new Black History Month content!

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faith based activism: a conversation with Jordan DeVeaux


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