faith based activism: a conversation with Jordan DeVeaux

What is faith-based activism?

This seemingly complex concept can be broken down into a simple answer.  According to minister, activist, and founder of podcast Agape Answers, Jordan DeVeaux, faith-based activism is “rooted in the recognition that there is this invisible, moral, compelling principle that drives us to do everything that we do. […] It is recognizing that we have the responsibility, the biblical call, to drive society in a direction that bends towards justice.” 

In order to kickstart Black History Month, Black & Bloom hosts a special guest who embodies faith-based activism selflessly and seamlessly. In this conversation, we discuss the importance of approaching justice through a spiritual lens, how the Bible can be used as a peaceful weapon for injustice, and ways that God has worked towards transformational change through the vessels of other activists like John Lewis, Rosa Parks, and Barack Obama. 

Together, we dive deeply and vulnerably into the power and purpose of activism work. As Jordan says in our conversation, “it is important for us to recognize that we may not be able to say that this [activist work] directly affected my life, but it is just as important, if not more important to prioritize the human family over everything.” We invite believers and nonbelievers alike into this virtual space, and we hope that you take away something, even if it is small, as you head into this beautiful month and along your lifelong fight for justice.

Check back each Sunday of this month for new Black History Month content!


Follow my girl Jordan (she is everything and more, trust me) on Instagram @agapeanswers


being your own valentine: a memoir of self-love


Black History Month x Black and Bloom