8 tips for online classes

Let’s be honest: Online classes are NOT the move. But it’s our new reality, and with these tips and tricks, we can make them a little more manageable. Northwestern just finished their first week of classes, so I thought I should share the things that have helped me cope with online classes so far.

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1. Get out of the bed!

It is very important to separate work from leisure. Although your warm bed 3 feet away can be quite tempting (trust and believe, I know), don’t fall victim to it! Create a work space, whether it's a desk, chair, or even sitting on the floor, where you attend online class sessions.

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2. Get dressed for class

Atleast a few days a week, I try to put on an outfit or do my hair. It reminds me of my campus routine and makes me feel a little bit better during my classes for that day.

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3. Turn your phone off during class and put your computer on do not disturb 

This is probably what is hardest for me to do, but it makes a BIG difference. It helps to eliminate distractions and allow you to really focus on the lecture/note material. Your texts can wait.

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4. Purchase a monthly whiteboard calendar

Although I love planners, I found this to be a much more forgiving and environmentally conscious option than writing my schedule/calendar down on paper. Just like a planner, you can write out important dates, deadlines, and notes. I got one for about $15 and will continue to use it for years to come.

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5. Do a weekly virtual work session with friends

Choose some friends once a week to study or do work with on Zoom or Facetime. It helps you stay on track and stay connected even if you can’t always be together in person.

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6. Google Calendar= your best friend

Google Calendar truly keeps my life together. For me, it was almost impossible to keep track of all the meeting times, discussion groups, lectures, and due dates in my head. As soon as you get a new assignment date or schedule a meeting, put it on your whiteboard and Google Calendar and make sure you put reminders on so that you won’t forget! Thank me later. 

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7. Have an accountability partner

The campus environment really motivates you to stay on top of your work, but you can still emulate this virtually. Choose an accountability partner (or partners) that you check in with throughout the week. Whether academically or emotionally, these people should be your support system and should push you to be your best self. Jordan and Sari are some of my accountability partners for the fall.

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8. Invest in Blue Light Glasses

This summer, I invested in Warby Parker Blue Light glasses due to my heavy screen time between my internship, blog posting, and meetings. I was hesitant to purchase them due to the hefty price tag (still recovering tbh), but I figured: “Well you only have one pair of eyes, might as well protect them.” And I am so glad I did! They are lowkey cute, they help to minimize eye strain and headaches, and they even help to get a better night's sleep. Check out this link to find a pair that best fits your budget and style.

And remember, we’re all in this together.


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