a prayer for the school year

prayer for the school year.png

Dear God,

Our education is an incredible privilege and gift. 

Now more than ever, even if learning is not the same as in the past, we must value and be thankful for the ability to have such a profound education. 

But our world is struggling, Father God, and we need you to get us through this challenging school year. 

Heavenly Father,

Help us focus on our studies despite all the distractions and frustrations of today. 

Help us hone in on our skills and talents to help us excel in our studies and extracurriculars.

Help us and our institutions to lead and learn responsibly and compassionately, especially in a time of difficulty for many students. 

Help us to have the courage to ask for help when we need it and to help our fellow classmates without hesitation. 

Help to guide us away from the darkness of procrastination and towards the light of You.  

You have instilled in your people a sense of resiliency and hope that got them through plagues, wars, and famines. 

Let us channel that same resiliency and hope today, trusting in Your ultimate plan even if we might not understand it. 

Because whether virtually or in person,

We are in your loving arms of protection. 



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